Positional Accuracy Alarms
PointMan features include Positional Accuracy Alarms.
Geoid Support
PointMan can convert GPS calculated elevation measurements into four supported elevation Geoid models: EGM96, 12A, 12B, and Geoid18, and lines up properly with other survey-grade project data, features, and line work.
Leaders and Labels
PointMan features include Leaders and Labels.
Multiple VRS/Correction Sources Available
PointMan supports VRS, RTVRN, Base/Rover, and satellite-based Catalyst corrections, granting you access to RTK positioning solutions. Trimble Catalyst provides offline corrections out in the field, with access to RTX positioning services.
Real-Time Datum Translations
Users can select a coordinate reference system (CRS) to store data that can be exported with both sets of coordinates (Reference Projection and WGS84) and will line up in other GIS software. PointMan supports custom local projections (.prj), ITRF2014 (all Epochs), and all other standard projections & datums.
Stakeout for Points and Lines
PointMan’s stakeout feature will guide users to the exact location of the selected point or line on the map. For line staking, there are two modes: Nearest and Station. Nearest will take users to the nearest intersection of the selected line, while Station will anchor a point at the distance (entered in by the user) from the selected start point. Stakeout also includes the Cut/Fill values to be used for depth-of-cover surveys.